Yoga For Sexual Health? What No One Told You About Downward Dog...

Those who aren’t familiar with yoga might associate it with becoming flexible, and nurturing a healthier mind. But did you know that yoga could be a beneficiary to your sexual wellbeing as well as your general health and wellness? Yoga can be a nourishing support to both the mind and body.
There are some powerful ways you can improve your sexual health and personal wellbeing using movement - and not just movement between the sheets! Yoga is an incredible aide to sexual wellbeing. Not only does it encourage you to become more intuitive with how your body is feeling, it can also provide strengthening opportunities.
In order to enjoy better sex, we must first take care of our minds and bodies. For women in particular, the ability to orgasm is very often a result of how the mind is feeling. Overwhelmed? Pressures at work? Exhausted? Orgasms will become unlikely. Instead of focusing what isn’t working, try shifting your attention to how you can nurture your body in new ways.
Take care of your mind and body, and they will take care of you - and your enjoyment!
Downward facing dog is a foundation move within yoga that is directly beneficial to your sexual health, as well as your general wellbeing. As you press your heels down towards the floor and open out your shoulders, you’re conditioning the muscles that you need to become stronger and more flexible - which will certainly come in handy for other ‘doggy’ poses later on…
You don’t have to be an expert yogi to enjoy some feminine pelvic positives!
(Photo credit: Jen Grantham)
Want to slow things down? Reclined butterfly pose might work well for you. Lay on your back on your mat, allowing your knees to fall to each side. Place your hands in an upward position on your lap and relax into the pose. Deep breaths will help your knees to open out a little wider the longer you commit to the pose. Your pelvic floor (and your partner) will thank you later.
Yoga is a great way to nurture the areas of your mind and body that sexual health relate to.
(Photo Credit: Stacey McFadin)
Pigeon pose, where you are fold one leg beneath you to stretch out your hips will not only feel great, but will encourage flexibility within your hips. The exact area you’ll want to be strong and bendy, for a variety of reasons. Arch your back in the pose a little to help you extend your spinal movement and let gravity do the rest. Don’t forget to work both legs!
Embrace the process of self discovering the benefits that better sexual health can have on both your sex life and your wellbeing. Every area is deeply connected. The more aware you are of the feminine power contained within your pelvis, the more confident you’ll feel during sex.
Consider this your permission to let go of self limitation to embrace your incredible sexual body!