What It's Really Like to Have a Threesome

“Two is fun but three is a party.”
This has been a saying that spoke to me since the dawning of my first sexual fantasies. It has been on my “Fuck It” List (sexual-based bucket list) since I first heard about it in movies. The idea was not about ‘if’ but ‘when’. I am a naturally curious and explorative woman who gets excited about new experiences in general, so engaging in a threesome never sounded too radical to me. I knew that once the opportunity presented itself, I would be ready. I had watched porn, read stories, and asked my friends about their experiences so that I would have a better understanding about how the dynamics worked.
A couple of my girlfriends shared their experience with me and said it was basically them lying side by side while the man took turns. My male friend told me about his threesome attempt that failed miserably because his girlfirend felt like he was paying more attention to the other girl, which led to her throwing a lamp at his flat screen TV and ultimately no sex for him. Their reality did not sound at all like my fantasies and I think what makes mine different is that all participants would be equally into each other.
From what I researched about the ideal threesome, I learned that there is usually a curious couple, which includes a girl who is bisexual and they invite another (preferably) bisexual girl to their bed. The girls get to play with each other and the guy inserts himself when he can. Everyone is receiving simultaneous pleasure which decreases the chances of jealousy and enhances the experience. This ideal scenario is probably what gave rise to the term ‘Unicorn’ aka the female invited by a couple for a threesome. They are rare to find because this person needs to be sexually open minded, preferably bi, and respect the relationship boundaries of this couple.
I knew I wanted to be a unicorn because I fit all these categories.I have since been the unicorn for various couples and proud of the thought that I offered them an amazing memory and fulfilled simultaneous fantasies.
My first threesome ever is definitely a memory I still fantasize about as it felt innocent, new, passionate, and beautiful.
I will share the story about my first threesome experience from the perspective of a unicorn and offer lessons I have learned from all my multi-person sexual encounters since.
How it happened…
[Finding a unicorn is not an easy task and I am still not certain about where to go looking for one but I appreciate the way I was approached and think that having the courage to just ask will put you in the right direction, especially if you are the woman. ]
One day a friend from my home state called me just to chat. She was interested in my recent travel stories and I enjoyed revealing to her all the sexcapades I had engaged in. This opened up the opportunity for her to share her own fantasies and as a bisexual woman who was in love with her boyfriend, she wanted to offer him the experience of his dreams (to be with two women at once). She asked me about how one could find these opportunitites and i told her, “I’m not sure but I know you are better off looking for someone who is bisexual and preferably lives in a different city so that you don’t have to fear about this affecting your relationship.” This gave her the courage to ask me if I could be that girl. I blushed and said of course I will do it. It just so happened that I would be visiting my home state a month from then. We agreed it was too perfect and she ran off to tell her boyfriend. He was extremely excited about it but I never contacted him directly. I allowed the flirtation to build up with my friend so that she could relay the messages to him. I have never met him before but I trusted her taste and knew he was attractive from photos. Since it was a one time thing, I was ok with not having a proper conversation beforehand. The month was filled with teasing each other and sending nudes.
Leading into the night…
[I think it is important for first timers to meet the couple in a normal setting and gauge the level of attraction and desire to give them the opportunity to confirm their decision while they can make a less awkward exit. ]
The time had finally come, the weekend we had been waiting for. My friend picked me up and left me at her home as she had to get back to work. I waited there to meet her boyfriend for the first time as they had arranged for him to drive me to the meeting spot. We shyly shook hands and got to know each other over a 30 minute drive. We met my friend for drinks and dinner and got comfortable talking about our sexual fantasies while getting a little more touchy and flirty. My friend made the first move by kissing me in the elevator while her boyfriend’s mouth stood agape. He mentioned feeling a pang of jealousy followed by immense desire.
The moment we’ve all been waiting for…
[There is nothing I would change about the events that took place. Remaining open minded but having awareness of your boundaries that were preferably pre discussed while be useful. The couple should be respectful enough to gauge your boundaries and come from a place of curiosity and playfulness. If there is any tension between the couple then the experience will not be as beautiful.]
We got back to their place, slipped into lingerie and had another cocktail. The pace went from zero to 100 real fast once my friend decided to make out with me. Having both slept with girls in the past we knew exactly how to progress through the motions and started to please each other, while ignoring the eager man sitting on the couch. After going down on me for a while she realized her boyfriend hasn’t figured out how to ease himself in so she invited us all to their bed upstairs. She started to go down on her boyfriend while he and I made out.
He proved his loyalty to her throughout by always pleasing her first and last and making sure she was getting attention throughout.
The connection between my friend and her boyfriend is beautiful and as the unicorn I get the opportunity to witness their most intimate moments first hand. I find it to be a beautiful thing to be invited into the bedroom of a couple who are in love and want to experience something different. I would never sleep with a friend’s boyfriend if I knew they were into me beyond physical attraction because I respect the relationship and only aim to enhance it. It is important for me that we can all go back to being friends afterwards and almost act like nothing happened unless the topic came up. It is important not to act expectant of more sexual encounters with a couple unless they make it clear and maintaining friendship is how you build trust.
The night felt like a beautiful enmeshment of bodies alternating from soft feminine touches and strong masculine movements. There was never a moment when someone wasn’t getting pleased in some way and everyone was equally appreciated. After everyone was thoroughly satisfied, which was at around 4 am, I kissed them both good night and went back to my own bedroom.
The takeaways...
- Men can not be expected to do all the work, nor do they want to.
- The ideal threesome involves all three people being attracted to each other.
- Don’t expect to continue a sexual or flirtatious relationship with the couple unless they make it clear.
- Don’t sleep with a friend or their partner if you secretly hope for an emotional connection from them. Their intentions might be purely sexual.
- Respect the boundaries of a couple and discuss it beforehand. Mention your own boundaries beforehand as well.
- Build up excitement by going on a date or having a quick meeting in a public place prior. If you decide you are not attracted to either person and feel uncomfortable you can leave at any time but it's easier if you decide this before starting.
- It is hard to sleep in a bed with three people even though it sounds lovely.
- You are not the solution to mend a relationship that is falling apart. Interact with couples that have a strong connection.
- Natasha B.
Of course, we have a bundle of joy which are great in threesomes. Check out our bundles: Say you'll be there, Double the pleasure (Great for couples and thrilling for threesomes!) and spice up your life.
If you would like to contribute a naughty story or erotica, do write in to us at hello@thehedoniststore.com and your story maybe featured in our next post!